President’s Message | February 2021

Dear Professional Friends, The air has new fresh of hope with things getting back to normal after displacing our normal routine albeit with new rules and perceptions to the world. The sheer hope of getting back to normal is refreshing and soothing. Government of India must be crediting to have driven the words largest systematic […]

President’s Message | January 2021

Dear Professional Friends, Let me start this month’s message by wishing you all a very Happy, Prosperous & Healthy New Year! The year 2020 unwound faster than we thought and had a rollercoaster ride with pain bearing amount of ambiguity & uncertainty, amongst all the natural things we thought we did. If we count the […]

President’s Message | December 2020

Dear Professional Friends, On the global business front, America’s competition regulator filed an antiTRUST lawsuit against Facebook, alleging that it bought social-media rivals (WhatsApp and Instagram), to suppress competition. This follows a similar sweeping antiTRUST lawsuit against Google, arguing the company struck deals and engaged in other tactics to expand its search and advertising empires. […]