President’s Message | July 2020

Dear Professional friends, I write to you as the President of this association for the 12th time in the newsletter and this experience to work from home has been new normal for all of us. The association continues to operate by adopting to new normal and has been conducting webinars on various topics of interest […]

President’s Message | June 2020

Dear Professional friends, Often these days, the world outside and mind inside is completely filled with Covid and the fear which set in initially, seems to loosen. The government is also under pressure by many industries to liberalise the restrictions. Albeit, some view ‘liberalising the initial restriction’ as a dangerous precedent to a disastrous fate […]

President’s Message | May 2020

Dear Professional friends, The month of May, which otherwise was one of the busiest months for Chartered Accountants has been a challenge for the whole humanity. Particularly, the dynamics of the challenges which lie ahead of us is extremely ambiguous. They say lockdown had got everyone so much time that, spending time with loved ones […]