President’s Message | September 2023
Dear Readers, It is indeed a matter of pride and pleasure for me to share my thoughts through this column as the first woman and 51st President of KSCAA. I express my sincere gratitude and thanks for reposing your trust and confidence in me. It is heartening to have received so many compliments from well […]
Saving smarter: practical tips for financial stability
The concept of a multi-brand system has gained traction, allowing businesses to manage various brands.
Building a balanced portfolio: a guide for novices
A well-defined statement helps participants focus their creativity and ensures everyone is on the same page.
The role of inflation in your investment strategy
When everyone understands and believes in the shared goal, they are motivated to work cohesively.
Blockchain beyond Bitcoin: real-world use cases
Putting the customer at the core of your product development ensures relevance and resonance.
Secure your future: a guide to retirement planning
Students must be equipped with the skills to navigate the digital world effectively, including using computers.