President’s Message | September 2023

Dear Readers,
It is indeed a matter of pride and pleasure for me to share my thoughts through this column as the first woman and 51st President of KSCAA. I express my sincere gratitude and thanks for reposing your trust and confidence in me. It is heartening to have received so many compliments from well wishers all over the country. I express my thanks and I am confident that with all your wisdom, guidance and encouragement, and with the support of my team of office bearers and Executive Committee members, my predecessors, I will be able to achieve greater heights and glory for the profession and to the Association.
The theme for the new term 2023-24 is “Recraft Yourself’. As we know, humans are the only species to have this special gift of being able to introspect and change themselves. Our hands sculpts and chisels, and our mind gives the shape. As members of an open society, life throws lot of opportunities and choices. But those choices have to be made by us. As Buddha declared, “The mind is everything. What you think you become”.
The first step in recrafting is our inner conviction that we need to change. This is the toughest bridge to cross. It prefers to excuse and sway away from responsibilities and accountability. There must be a clear intent and inner call for action to recraft and should not be an escape mechanism or a coverup for existing failures. The inner conviction should release us from the inner prison that we lay trapped in.
The second step in recrafting is to decide how far from the tree should the apple fall. There is a general fear that, after certain years of professional practice, embarking on a new path is difficult. Should we stick to incremental changes or should we take a deep breath and jump into the big unknown? In many cases, a safe choice is a warm refuge. We end up sticking on to what we are familiar with, with minor changes. We often take a long run-up, but as we come closer to the line, we hesitate, and refuse to plunge into new terrain, do unfamiliar things, or build new skills.
I would like to draw reference of the words of S.S. Lewis, “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. ”
Based on this reference of “Recraft” and the first two steps, I would like to focus our activities for the year 2023-24 to be “from here to where?” To begin with, we wish to define a process for achieving these steps.
As part of this year’s theme, “Recraft Yourself’, we will be using the template of 5 Ds, to achieve the same.
- Discover – Mine the landscape for new opportunities
- Deliberate – Prioritize, rank the opportunities
- Determine – Pick your choices with help of a mentor and with available tools
- Develop – Polish and sharpen your Mindset, Skillset and toolset
- Deliver —Actions speak louder than words.
Moving on, in my acceptance address at the AGM held on 18th August 2023, I had highlighted the focus areas, and the Annual Plan for 2023-2024 was placed before the members. I would like to reinforce a few of them here for the benefit of readers:
- Using new age technology, the membership base would be broadened.
- Every sincere attempt would be made to organise programs in the mofussil areas.
- Legal cell: We are constituting a Legal Cell to provide legal assistance to our members in case of any professional disputes between members or with clients. The members would be offered free and fully confidential first consultation if the case is under review by ICAI — Disciplinary Committee. A panel of Legal and Code of Conduct & Ethics advisors are onboarded.
- With an aim to attract young talent into our profession, Young Member Club is launched during the month. This will bring in more energy and make the association more vibrant in the years to come.
Exciting events are coming up in the month of September 2023. There is a Study Circle meeting on GST, lecture sessions on Audit, Court room series on GST and many more such events. Please keep a watch on our website and WhatsApp to participate in the meetings of your preference.
Before I sign off, let me share my gratitude to my teachers on the occasion of TEACHERS DAY whom I carry in my heart all the time, without whom no professional would have been shaped. It is said that it is a good student who introduces the teacher to the world. Let us be the good student of this profession and let’s bring a great reputation to our teachers.
Thank you,
Best Regards,
CA Sujatha G