President’s Message | July 2019

Dear Professional Friends,
As the saying goes ‘time and tide waits for none’, and the time really flies. Many thoughts and ideas to implement!!! but too little time to accomplish everything. Had a chance to lay my hands on few of them, but, suddenly realised, I am writing my last message as a President of this illustrious Association. Time really flies, isn’t it. I would reckon this term as one of the memorable phases which will be remembered and cherished for life.
Took the mantle of the Association at a time when it’s peaking, members’ expectations and bench marks were set high. Time tested way was to build a TEAM – Together Everyone Achieve More, to multiply efforts, accomplish goals faster. Hence, we began the year with the Theme – ‘Together we serve, together we grow’. We adopted bottom up approach, activated the committees, delinked it from office bearers and gave a free hand to organize workshops and seminars by building a proper ecosystem of adequately manned sub-committees. Noticeable results are before you.
Experience needs to be experienced. However, one cannot remain complacent and wait to learn from one’s own mistakes as time is too short, it is always better to learn from the experience of others. In that front, we proactively reached out to Past Presidents, Secretaries, Senior members and well-wishers regularly for learnings and advises, some of them volunteered to mentor committees which had a multiplier effect in reaching desired results faster. Such learnings made us to emerge as stronger individuals and now, we have large pool of young, energetic, self-motivated and selfless leaders to serve this glorious Association in years to come.
We realised there is no dearth of talent among our members, but there is real dearth of platforms to show case such talents. This kindled an idea, why not create a platform for our members and their families, which lead to the birth of ‘KSCAA Habba’, a multifaceted cultural program to express their inherent talents. It was truly satisfying to note that the program was well received and appreciated by everyone.
Living to the true spirit ‘Co-exist, compliment and be a force multiplier’, Association conducted host of value added workshops and seminars across the State alongside ICAI to disseminate knowledge to members and trade, an intensive study group ‘Trust Clinic’ on Trust and NPOs is a huge hit among members. We joined hands with some of India’s most prestigious professional bodies like BCAS, LCAS, IMC Chamber of Commerce, CAA etc., in populating various issues and grievances of members and trade before regulators and the experiences were very satisfying. Association partnering with ICAI and district associations pulled off a mega state level sports and talents event which was held simultaneously across the State and we were overwhelmed by the outpour of participants and satisfied by the good responses received from members.
News Roundup:
Proposed amendments to IT Act have seen lot of efforts to incentivize start-ups, simplify tax compliance, widen and deepen the income tax base and to plug the loophole for possible tax evasion. While the focus is likely to shift to immediate July deadline (with MoF stating that there is no proposal to extend deadline for filing returns), professionals should wait and watch for developments on DTC (with increased terms of reference), MLI (Union Cabinet approving its ratification), faceless assessments and the approach of Tax Authorities towards revised compounding guidelines. We may expect complete change in the Tax Payer and Tax Authorities relationship in the future.
During this period we have represented with Finance Ministry and MCA on the need to have an extension for DPT-3 forms as well as the need to have an unified form for MSME, DPT, and other ancillary declaration under Annual Return itself. Also, we have submitted representation on pursuing transparency in audit empanelment and allotment of DCC banks in Karnataka to the authorities
It is with a great contentment that I end my tenure as President of the Association, one of the finest professional bodies I have been associated with in my life. I honestly believe that this Association with its proven credentials is on a solid foundation to embrace the future.
Before I signoff, I would like to convey my sincere appreciation to the many people who walked the talk with me. Immense thanks to Immediate Past President CA. Raghavendra T.N, Past President CA. Raghavendra Puranik and all my office bearers CA Chandrashekar Shetty, CA Kumar Jigajinni, CA Chandan Hegde, CA Pramod S Rao and All EC members worked meticulously with me to drive KSCAA on the way to success throughout the year. I also appreciate the intense efforts of all the Sub Committee Conveners and members, Past presidents, Mentors and well-wishers who have wrestled with troubled waters, tough timelines and resource constraints to come up with excellent programs during the entire year. Many, many thanks to all the conveners, coordinators, contributors and resource persons, it is your indefatigable efforts that have raised the benchmarks KSCAA is known for.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank whole-heartedly each and every member of the over 3,000+ strong KSCAA family for their profuse support and enthusiastic participation in all activities that have made the Association the proud winner it truly is! It was a great team effort true to saying, ‘Together we serve, together we grow’ and I truly believe we lived up to the expectations.
At the AGM of the Association on 20st July 2019, I will pass the baton to the new team. I convey my best wishes to them for the coming year.
I signoff for the last time by quoting ‘Albert Schweitzer’ on Success:
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
I wish each one of you a lots of Success in all your Professional Endeavours.
Raghavendra Shetty