
KSCAA shall be the trusted and value based knowledge organisation providing leadership and timely influence to support the functional breadth and technical depth of every member of CA profession;

KSCAA shall be the nucleus of activity, amity and unity among members aimed at enhancing the CA profession’s social relevance, attractiveness and pre-eminence;

KSCAA shall in the public interest, be a proactive catalyst, offering a reliable and respected source of public statement and comments to induce effective laws and good governance;

KSCAA shall be the source of empowerment for leadership and excellence; disseminating knowledge to members, public and students; building a framework for new opportunities and partnerships that enhance life in the community and beyond; encouraging highest ethical standards and professional integrity, in realization of India global leadership vision.


The KSCAA serves the interests of the members of CA profession by providing new generation skills, amity, unity, networking and leadership to strengthen the professional capabilities, integrity, objectivity, social relevance, standards and pre-eminence of India’s Chartered Accountants nationally and internationally through; becoming gateway of knowledge for Chartered Accountants, students and public; helping members add value to their customers/employers by enhancing their professional excellence and services; offering a reliable and respected source of public policy advice and comments to bring about more effective laws and policies and transparent administration and governance.