Karnataka State Chartered Accountants Association (In short ‘KSCAA or the Association’) is an association of Chartered Accountants, registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act in the year 1957. KSCAA is primarily formed for the welfare of Chartered Accountants and represents before various regulatory authorities to resolve the professional problems faced by chartered accountants. KSCAA regularly conducts seminars, conferences, work-shops, study circle meetings of professional interest for members and public. The Association also conducts Endowment lectures.
KSCAA is a state body, registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act in the year 1957 having the following as its MAIN OBJECTS:
To encourage friendly feeling & unanimity among the members & to ensure solidarity in the matters of interest concerning all of them.
To watch over, promote & protect the mutual interest of members & to better equip them in discharging their professional obligations.
To provide an organization for Chartered Accountants & generally consolidate the interest of the profession & to do all such things from time
to time as may be necessary to elevate the status & advance the interest of the profession.
To spread knowledge in the art & science of Accountancy in all its branches & in particular relating to matters of professional interest of chartered accountants.
To endeavor to bring statutory legislation in any manner for the betterment of member and \ or the profession, and \ or the students of accountancy & also public.
There are 3,000 plus members of the Association spread all across Karnataka and serving the members since 1957.