Dear Member, When conventional credit markets get tight businesses are pushed to seek alternative lending options. Some of these alternative financing options have been around for a long time, but post 2008 credit crunch spawned some cautious liberalization and also some new potential financing sources for corporates with new ways to access them. Low / […]
Discussion on FEMA – Recent developments and emerging issues
Dear Member, The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (“FEMA”) is India’s key legislation governing inbound and outbound investments. Rising investments make it essential for the professionals to understand the regulations that govern capital inflows and outflows and the related evolution. In tune with the aspirations of a large young population, the Government has rolled out […]
News Bulletin – October 2016
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Request to Service Tax Commissioner to provide waiting lobby to professional | 03/10/2016
Click here to download the representation.
Request for grant of waiting lobby for professionals in Service Tax | 03/10/2016
Click here to download the representation.
Lecture Meeting on “Transfer Pricing Documentation” on 26th October 2016
Dear Member, The Indian Transfer Pricing Code prescribes that income arising from international transactions or specified domestic transactions between associated enterprises should be computed having regard to the arm’s-length price. It has been clarified that any allowance for an expenditure or interest or allocation of any cost or expense arising from an international transaction […]
Lecture Meeting on “Choosing Right entity for NPO/NGO, Documentation, Registration & other requirements”
Dear Member, Choice of right entity is utmost important while establishing any business. Similarly choosing the right entity is paramount to Non Profit Organization to succeed in its sphere. The legal structure you advice to your client is one of the most important decisions of your client will make in the startup process. Choice […]
Know your Professional Ethics – 7th October 2016 Basavanagudi CPE Study Circle
Professional ethics is a term that encompasses the organizational and personal standards of behavior a professional individual is expected to possess. Most organizations have their own internal code of practice that defines the professional ethics of a certain profession. These special standards are morally binding to “professed” members of the profession. If a member […]
News Bulletin – September 2016
Download News Bulletin – September 2016